New Year, New Space, Big Dreams

We were driving home after school drop off when I turned to Ryan and said, “I need my own space to teach in. I am ready. There has to be a place for me. Or we have to buy a new house and build a studio on the top floor…”

His response was so Ryan. Unphased by my random Tuesday morning declaration he said, “Okay. I think the first option is better.” ’

I’ve had this thought for years in my soul. But I never believed it in my head. This time was different.

That same afternoon I called the one person I knew would be able to help me find a space. My dear friend Jillian. She asked me for my wish list and I easily listed out my dream: lots of windows, exposed brick, not too big, in a great location and rent I can afford.

I think I heard Jill chuckle on the other side of the line.

The next few days all I could think about was making this happen. I said it out loud a lot. But more importantly I believed it.

After 15 years of working for other people in their studios, I believed it was my time. I felt it in my gut. I was ready. I’ve been ready for a long time.

All it took was 5 days.

Jillian called. “I found your space. You have to see it Jenn.”

And just like that, in this unicorns must be real moment, it happened. She was right. It was perfect. And shockingly it checked all the boxes off my wish list. It checked every, single, one. (Jill, you are pure magic.)

When the time came for a final deciding phone call I was still hesitant. I wanted one more sign to guide me.

Suddenly something caught my eye.

A red Cardinal flew to the window and sat with me. Cue the tears streaming down my face.

If you’ve been here a while you know my Gram who passed last year visits me in the form of a cardinal. I haven’t seen her in a while and yet in THIS moment she came. I asked for a sign and there it was. It was a done deal.

This really happened! There’s no way I could make this up. And in what world does someone say they want something to happen and a few days later it just does??

But I am choosing to believe that the universe heard me and I was finally ready to accept.

What you put out matters. What you dream, what you say, what you believe. It matters.


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