All the buzz about Chef Boomer + Delicious Soup Recipe

First things, first - it’s been a while since I cleared the air and reminded everyone of one basic truth. Chef Boomer is not a Chef. Yes, that’s correct. He should and could be, but in real life he’s actually Scientist.

Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way I’ll share the point of this post. Recently I asked my friends on Instagram what kind of content they wanted to see more of. I was very surprised when many (many) of you said you wanted to see more about the food I eat including recipes and tips from Chef Boomer. I had to relay all of this to the Chef himself because he doesn’t even know what social media is. He was flattered. And he has agreed to share more with all of us.

I don’t cook. I can make a mean kids grilled cheese and I’m the queen of baking but cooking is not my thing. If it was up to me I’d have scrambled eggs and salad for dinner every night. So there’s no one more grateful than me for Chef Boomer. Since the day I met him, he has always thoughtfully and beautifully created me meals that are worthy of five star ratings. He finds true joy in the kitchen and it shows on the table. The best part is he cooks food that is healthy, wholesome and DELICIOUS.

What we eat is just as important as the workouts we do so I’ve been playing around with the idea of doing a “Cooking with Chef Boomer Live”, once a month where he can take us through a favorite meal. Is that something you would tune into? I also had the idea of a 30 min Sunday Pilates Brunch where we livestream a JPP class together and then learn how to make something quick in the kitchen afterwards.

The hardest part of sharing with you all is that Chef Boomer doesn’t do recipes. So tonight after I posted a video of the Turkey Meatball Kale Soup he made, tons of you asked for the recipe and he didn’t have one to share. Lucky for us, he’s the greatest human ever and typed up a quick guide. If this is something you like, we can do more of it. Enjoy the info posted below! The soup was healthy, nourishing and perfect for a rainy cold winter day.

So, leave me a comment below if you want more more Chef Boomer content! I can’t want to force, I mean ask my amazing husband to share with us all!


Turkey Meatball Kale Soup by Chef Boomer

To make the chicken stock you’ll need chicken bones, purified water, carrots, onion and dried shitake mushrooms. Boil for 4 hours on low. A substitute to making your own and saving time would be to use a good off the shelf stock (bone broth or chicken broth).

To make basic turkey meatballs : dice a quarter of a white onion, two garlic cloves and sauté on low with olive oil until translucent. Add sauté mixture to 1/2 pound of lean ground organic turkey. In the same bowl, crack one egg and add 3 tablespoons of panko bread crumbs plus 3 heaping tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese. Add 1/2 tablespoon of soy sauce, a little olive oil, salt and pepper and mix all to combine. Use your hands to form mixture into small meatballs. (Or you can just buy Trader Joes frozen turkey meatballs (which if I didn’t have a Chef Boomer is what I would do.)

In a separate pot of slow boiling salted water, cook meatballs until they float (5-8 min). Drain and set aside.

A tip is you always make a tiny meatball first, cook it, taste and then adjust for seasoning before you make them all. If our fridge had been stocked he would have added fresh parsley and dill.

Next shred kale, add to chicken and cook until tender. Then add in peas and grilled cauliflower and asparagus (because that’s what we had as leftovers) and meatballs and cook 2-3 more minutes before serving.

Finish with a squeeze of lemon and if you have children like we do, add a few ice cubes because they will complain that it is too hot.


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