Boston, Are You Ready For My Return?
First I want to thank everyone for ALL of the comments and emails I received regarding my last blog post. I've realized how much I enjoy sharing my experiences with you all and I plan to be even more active on the blog in the coming months. I might as well put my journalism degree to use. If you ever have topic ideas or things you want me to address, please reach out.
Now onto the Boston specific news. I'm back in action! Well, somewhat. I will be returning to Equinox and North End Yoga in the next few weeks and ending 2016 with three regular weekly classes and three upcoming special event workshops! I'm SO ready to get back to teaching and to see all of my incredible students. I've missed you so.
Weekly Classes
**BRAND NEW CLASS** Saturdays 8:45 - 9:30am Mat Pilates at North End Yoga.
Starts 11/5. Class is open to the public, no membership needed. Drop-in cost is $16. Register online or drop in weekly.
NEY Crew I can't wait to see you!
Saturdays, 10:00 - 10:45am Pilates Flow at Equinox, Franklin Street.
Starts 10/29. Class is members only. If you would like to try out a class email me and I can have you added to the guest list.
Mondays, 6:30 - 7:15pm Pilates Fusion at Equinox, Franklin Street.
Starts 11/7. Class is members only. If you would like to try out a class email me and I can have you added to the guest list.
Equinox Crew I'm coming for ya!
Workshops & Special Class
Fit For The Holidays at North End Yoga
Sunday, November 20th and/or Sunday, December 11th from 12:00 - 1:15pm
$20 per person
Sign Up Here. Pre Registration Recommended
Everyone knows that the holidays can interrupt our normal fitness routines. Weeks are filled with parties, indulgent foods and often lots of stress. To help you stay on track, I've created several at home, Pilates based circuits you can do anytime, anywhere.
Each workshop will feature a different set of routines that I will break down, teach and do together with you. The exercises will include a carefully crafted blend of traditional Pilates mat work and barre inspired move, whic you can easily take with you outside of the studio. There of course will be modifications for every level of participant. And the best part? All students will receive their own copy of the workout post class for future reference.
Thanksgiving Day Flow at North End Yoga
Thursday, November 24th from 8:45 - 10:00am
$20 per person
Sign Up Here. Space will be limited so pre registration is highly recommended.
I'm thrilled to be teaching a Thanksgiving morning class again this year - this time at NEY! Think great music, good vibes and a total body flow that will leave you refreshed and energized in good company. Class will conclude with several restorative stretches sending you into the day ahead with calmness and gratitude.
I'm currently taking a very limited number of private, in-home clients. If you are interested in booking a private session email me at And keep your eyes peeled, I may have a sale or two coming your way. Interested?
So that's my latest news! Will I be seeing you on the mat? I promise I will be adding more classes, specifically at NEY in 2017. And don't worry, I didn't forget about my fellow mamas and their babies. I certainly have something in the works for you too. There's a lot to look forward to as I ease my way back into the swing of things.
Leave a comment and let me know if you have specific requests for more winter classes (days/times/location) and for special events or workshop ideas for 2017. I'm open to ALL of your feedback always. xo