The Push and the Pull (in a Pandemic)

I've been thinking a lot about the push and pull of life lately. We're juggling too many hats with slippery fingers. Pandemic or not, is this the spin of parenting ?

I remember when Grayson was just around 15 months old I had the opportunity to train an A-List actress. It was an experience that left me feeling like I was about to fall off a ferris wheel. One minute I was sitting cross-legged on the ground in a toddler sign-language class and the next I was signing confidentiality agreements and doing planks with a celebrity. No sooner was the session over and I'd be changing a poopy diaper while texting back a bodyguard. It went on for months. I did it "all" but just barely. In the chase to elevate my career I was tripping and stumbling around every corner, trying not to tarnish my job as a mother. If I had to choose one way to describe that time of my life it was utterly exhausting.

And here I am again. Utterly exhausted in a similar way. (Well, kind of... I mean I'd give anything to escape to Pilates w/a celeb right now!) I don't know a single parent who isn't deflated. I worry so much about our mental health. Many of us have limited alone time to even just... think. It takes a toll. The push and the pull of parenting, especially right now feels impossible. But I have to believe it will get better. It will.

And until it does- do you know how I made it through some of the hardest moments in motherhood thus far? Because of my friends and this community. There is nothing more rejuvenating to the soul than talking to people who are in it- just like you. So reach out, drop any and all judgement and go the extra mile to be there for your village.

The spin of parenting will always remain, it's just a little more tangled right now. Which is exactly why we need all the support and good vibes we can share.


What Teaching Kids Has Taught Me


Planning for the Future