#FitMom Talks with Lucie Wicker Photography
Recently I sat down to answer a series of interview questions for my friend Lucie Wicker who started a blog series called #FitMomTalks. Lucie is a Boston photographer who specializes in shooting fitness lifestyle and activewear. Chances are if you've seen a fitness photo of me, she took it! Same goes for so many other fitness professionals in Boston. A fun fact is that I was actually Lucie's first ever fitness model. I still remember, over five years ago she approached me after one of my North End Yoga classes and proposed that we collaborate. Best decision ever.
Lucie and I working together for the first time in 2011.
Lucie and I at our most recent photo shoot in 2015.
Anyways, back to the interview... Lucie is now a new Mom herself and I love that she is highlighting other fitness professionals who are also mothers, allowing us to shed some light on our lives. I really enjoyed taking the time to respond to her questions and I hope you enjoy reading! Here's a snippet...
“How did your routine look different from before baby?
Before kids I taught 35+ hours a week between private clients and classes. I had tons of time to take group fitness classes all over Boston and I could be super relaxed about when I choose to workout. Often I’d make game day decisions on what time I wanted to exercise and what I was going to do.
Now my life is very scripted and planned. I have to coordinate with my husband if I want to take a week night class. He has to come home from work a little early in order for me to leave and make a 7:15pm class. That means that he walks in the door and I tag out- leaving him with dinner, bath time and bedtime duties for both kids. Plus he has to take the dog out and make dinner for us. That’s a lot just so I can exercise. I often feel guilty when I choose to leave during the week. Luckily he’s an amazing man and he reminds me that it’s important I do these things for me. It’s in the best interest of our entire family that I’m healthy and feel my best. I’m a much better wife and mom when I workout. ”
Thank you Lucie for starting such a wonderful series and allowing me to be a part of it! Happy reading everyone.